Hello everyone! Making an update four years later. God help me.
So I’m sorry to say about how long it is taking me to work on this. I do want to update some things that have happened over the years:
- I have a group of beta readers to help read over my writing and plot.
- I am writing the plot again and separating it between chapters to make it easier to digest for my beta readers.
- I’m currently learning how to improve the plot and looking into other materials for inspiration. I’m heavily influenced by Final Fantasy XIV’s way of writing and character development, so I’m hoping this will help improve my works.
- I’m drawing my characters at my own pace. I’m developing concept art for them or just drawing my more favorite ones doing things. These are being posted on my social media accounts, along with Patreon and Ko-Fi. So you have a better chance seeing the art on those websites.
- I’m also working on streaming full time on Twitch! You can help me out by following and subscribing to Izagar on Twitch!
I realize this is taking awhile, but the combination of moving, having a day job now, and streaming has really made it hard for me to work on Naevorlis full time. I’ve also suffered from writer’s block and artist’s block regarding it.
But I’m hoping to be able to show you a bit more a bit at a time in the near future. Please just be more patient with me!
Thanks for reading!
(Post header is from Final Fantasy XIV!)