Holy crap it’s been a year since I updated the website. Again. I would update more, but there isn’t really that much to talk about the whole thing. So instead! I will post about where you can find updates faster than here! For now! Haha! :D;;
I’ve been updating about Naevorlis on Patreon for the past couple of weeks (now bi-weekly) with little bits of information on what is going on with it. Currently, right now, the whole thing is in plot hell. So, basically, I am trying to write a good amount of the story first so I won’t hopefully have to take a lot of hiatuses because I don’t like the direction the story is going. I have a handful of beta readers overlooking the story and trying to help me out. Aside from that, I’m still working on my art skills while I have writer’s block. I’m trying my best regarding this project, but it looks like I need more time and more tools. Sorry.
I don’t have much else to say about this than that, so you can follow me elsewhere in order to keep updated on Naevorlis. Here are some links:
– Support Izagar on Patreon! I update more often here with manga related stuff. Your support helps me put more time and money into working on Naevorlis! 😀
– Naevorlis Discord Server. Yes, we have a Discord server. Come talk with us and get some updates and talk with folks. This replaced my forums!
– Izagar on Twitter. I retweet too much for my own good but I still update once in awhile.
– Izagar on Instagram. I update in stories. I don’t post many pictures yet. None feel worthy.
– Izagar on Tumblr. More reblogs than updates.